9 Months 10 Days and 16 Hours
The player95337 achieved their best time in 01:06 and their worst time in 02:48 in their won games.
Their best score for player95337 is 1440, and their worst score is 165 in a game of solitaire. The player95337 is TOP 10 in the rankings.
On average, the player95337 solves a game of solitaire in 01 minute(s) and 57 second(s), that's incredible 😱!
The win rate is 41.18%, that's good 😃.
The rate of failed games is 58.82%, that's good 😃.
Overall, the player95337 level is incredible 😱. (Score: 19/20)
 Top  | Time  | Score  |  Results  | Date  |
1 | 00:50.860 | 165 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:18 |
2 | 01:00.266 | 175 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:47 |
3 | 01:01.948 | 225 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:15 |
4 | 01:44.549 | 285 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:29 |
5 | 01:32.572 | 295 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:21 |
6 | 01:27.259 | 310 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:32 |
7 | 09:28.931 | 325 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:35 |
8 | 01:38.509 | 345 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:05 |
9 | 01:56.269 | 445 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:09 |
10 | 01:41.169 | 465 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:19 |
11 | 01:53.614 | 475 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:48 |
12 | 01:39.082 | 480 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:30 |
13 | 01:32.910 | 490 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:27 |
14 | 02:04.634 | 490 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:40 |
15 | 01:58.884 | 520 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:13 |
16 | 02:15.810 | 535 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:51 |
17 | 01:25.989 | 550 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:24 |
18 | 01:53.254 | 565 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:16 |
19 | 02:15.426 | 745 | Lose | 04/12/2024 17:58 |
20 | 02:20.079 | 765 | Lose | 04/12/2024 22:07 |
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