1 Year 2 Months 9 Days and 18 Hours
The player49036 achieved their best time in 01:56 and their worst time in 02:00 in their won games.
Their best score for player49036 is 1290, and their worst score is -1005 in a game of solitaire. The player49036 is TOP 793 in the rankings.
On average, the player49036 solves a game of solitaire in 01 minute(s) and 58 second(s), that's incredible 😱!
The win rate is 40.00%, that's not bad 😐.
The rate of failed games is 60.00%, that's bad 😞.
Overall, the player49036 level is very good 😁. (Score: 14.5/20)
 Top  | Time  | Score  |  Results  | Date  |
1 | 01:56.905 | 745 | Win | 11/10/2023 14:19 |
2 | 02:00.980 | 1.29K | Win | 11/10/2023 14:05 |
3 | 01:00.654 | -1K | Lose | 11/10/2023 14:18 |
4 | 02:10.562 | 330 | Lose | 11/10/2023 14:03 |
5 | 09:36.959 | 525 | Lose | 11/10/2023 14:08 |
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